June 2023 | We are thrilled to announce the upcoming book: Soul Garden, A Catholic Mother’s Collective, to be published by Ignatius Press. We knew the journals were so special and we wanted to memorialize them in a way so that we could pass the womanly wisdom they contained on to our own daughters, sisters, and future friends. What we thought was going to be a summer anniversary project turned into 4 years of hard work. This book celebrates beauty, style and design, but also is a celebration of the simple hidden life of Nazareth. It unites East and West and invites fellow Christians to contemplate the riches of Catholic culture. The final compilation is currently 275 pages long and contains 9 chapters: Nurture, Ponder, Dwell, Read, Woman, Journey, Pray, Fiat, and Table with our own layout, design and illustrations. We hope this book will bear fruit in being a gift to women everywhere! We are no longer accepting preorders of this book but will link to it here when it becomes available for purchase.
July 2023 | We have resumed the crafting of the journals and are currently working on a Winter 2024 issue. You can again sign people up to receive these and we aim to put out a couple a year. This journal is now for all women, whether you have children or not. We have been thinking and praying these past years on what our future looks like in both community presence and in purpose. The changes, made sharper and clearer over time, are below. Currently accepting submissions! If you want to be a part of this inaugural issue of the new chapter of journaling, please visit our submissions page. To receive the journal, email us!
July 2023 | We have expanded our community to now hold space for all women to celebrate and explore the different expressions of the life of a woman, including but not limited to, motherhood. Soul Gardening was a journal “by mothers, for mothers”. We are now a journal by women, for women. After all, motherhood takes many forms: spiritual and physical. So many women who are not physical mothers are indeed mothering daily by their teaching, example, spiritual mothering, and nurturing. We are expanding our community to now hold space for all women to celebrate and explore the different expressions of the life of a woman, including but not limited to, motherhood. We celebrate the value, dignity and uniqueness of Woman, made by God.
We have revised our purpose statement to firstly reflect the change in expansion to all women but also to re-emphasize something that we’ve always been about: unplugging and living in the moment. In putting down our smartphones and stepping away from our computers, we make the necessary space in our souls for the life of prayer that is so essential to growing, seeing and being. From the beginning we have had a very small online presence and we want to keep it that way. Rather than being a part of the distractions in your online worlds, we want to be a part of your hands-on lives in your homes with the scent of geraniums and the pots of tea with friends, the paper mail and bowls of fruit on the countertops. We are a paper journal for a reason! We believe in Incarnational living and encourage the crafting of a more intentional life well lived.
DECEMBER 2023 | Are you ready for a hot-off-the-press Soul Gardening Journal to arrive in your mailbox, right in time for you to read in your cozy socks by the Christmas Tree? We certainly are! We’ve just finished crafting our 2024 winter journal and we have just enough money to cover the printing costs, all we need now is some help from our readers to cover the cost of shipping. Remember, Soul Gardening Journal is not-for-profit and free to subscribe, so we sincerely rely on the generous contributions of our readers to get these delightful, heartfelt and homespun journals into the hands of women across the country and around the globe.
We know that money is tight this time of year, but even your small donation can help us get across the finish line. Right now, for a limited time, we have a generous donor who has offered to match dollar-for-dollar any donation up to $5,000.00. Such a gift has never happened to Soul Gardening Journal before! Please, if you are able, send a little something our way this week to ensure a timely delivery of our winter journal. We couldn’t be more excited about this upcoming issue: with hand drawn art, poems, recipes, reflective essays from nearly twenty Catholic women, it’s an absolute delight. It retains our signature design, with a few fresh surprises for you!
Additionally, to help augment the costs of the journal, we are now accepting mission-fit advertisements! To see the price tiers, visit our Donations Page.
All Swag items are currently inactive. We will let you know if we resurrect this cool idea!