Writers, poets, crafters, and artists, we are always crafting new issues and welcome your submissions for print consideration. Please read our new purpose statement, below, and reach out with any queries.


  • Originality: Contributions must be original / previously unpublished; if you have your own publication or site, please wait to post until after journal has been printed/delivered.
  • Topics / Subjects: Reflections, prose, projects, recipes, poems, prayers, articles, hands-on crafting pieces, book reviews
  • Word count: please aim for 500 – 1500 words. We encourage short and strong pieces.
  • NEW! Please use our new template that we’ve created for your writing. Use this foundation for your piece.
  • When finished, email to Thank you!

You can download our template here:

All accepted submissions become shared property of Soul Gardening Journal who retain the rights to print and reprint content at will.

We encourage our contributors to become vessels of Christ to keep our journals Christocentric. So say a little prayer before you begin writing! Veni Creator Spiritus!

Soul Gardening has expanded the community to now hold space for all women to celebrate and explore the different expressions of the life of a woman, including but not limited to, motherhood. We invite all women of good will to read, contribute, and be a part of this community. While this is a Catholic space, this is an open door of hospitality which is at the heart of Woman.

Thank you for your willingness to contribute to this ministry.

Published under the patronage of our Lady of Nazareth, Soul Gardening Journal is crafted to express the beauty of womanhood, the sacredness to be found in the everyday, and the power of making our lives a living prayer. Written by women, for women, we are responding to the call to unplug, living an intentional life in the heart of the Incarnation.